Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Update on the twins, 5# baby discharged mama discharged. 2# baby hasn't lost any wt. Feeding q2-3 hrs. BF and supplementing. Crit down to 67, not even in a isolette. Wrapped and temp is good. I'm tempted to bring him home in my carry-on. They may get freaked seeing a skeleton on the xray machine :)

Update, 2# baby maintaining. Hasn't lost or gained any weight. I'm hoping soon he will be gaining.
The man dying of cancer that we brought here to the hospital accepted Christ!
There was a nurse delivery last night that I missed. I was very sad. Mom and baby doing well.
Only 2 more working days for us here before we head home, wondering what more excitement God has on store. Maybe I should ask for another delivery :)

Update, 2# baby gained weight. I should say that baby was 2#11oz at birth, and now is up to 2#13oz! Will be one week tomorrow and passed birth weight. The family will be here for awhile. Baby won't survive if they go back to the mountains too soon. No access to clean water and formula. She is making milk now, but he has to share with his big brother who is more demanding and will get more attention. He also still has no fat on him and get cold easily, yes even here in Honduras you can get cold :)

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