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Deliveries in the night
Amber wrote the following report which speaks of Wednesday night into Thursday
Crazy Delivery yesterday! All my friends would be jealous. Got the call
to come to the colonia (small town approx 10 min very bumpy drive) we
drove super fast in the rain and dark across a river to the mud hut. No
electricity!!!! Got there and in the dark I hear "hola Amber". Scared me
to death. It was my friend Emel. She had heard that there were twins
being delivered at the lay midwives (witch dr...) and one baby was
out in the other room all alone. The other baby was still not delivered
and it was 630pm. The mother was nearly in shock in a very small hut. We
decided to take her in the cab of the truck (ambulance). We carried her
in her sheet (stretcher) to the truck in the dark. Drove very fast to
the hospital with the heat on (in Honduras) to warm the 2# baby up. It
was cold and HR was 80. It had been born at 1040. At the hospital 2nd
baby HR was good until we tried a version. HR dropped to nearly nothing-
off we RAN. Delivered baby via very stat C/S. Under ketamine. Better
than a local and we are in the middle of no where. Used a pt gown to
catch the baby, apgars 2 & 8. Twin-twin transfusion. The 1st baby
(2#) crit was 77!!!!!! The larger twin, pale with a normal crit and is
5#. Had to do a blood exchange today on the 2# baby. Ended up the
surgeon placed a umbilical cath. I feel like I work in a NICU. Up all
night working with the babies. The ward is full and the nurses couldn't
take care of the babies. To bed at 5am and up at 845 am. Now off to bed.
Many say it's my fault about the delivery. In our devotions I had
prayed for a delivery and pastor Richard told every one at the church
service at the hospital tonight about my prayer using it to say, be
careful what you ask God for! Love to all

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