Monday, September 23, 2013

The Lori and Linda Report

Lori and Linda wrote the following two reports that talk about Saturday on the mission trip.

From Lori:
Our day in a nutshell....or van...whatever!

Our morning started with a call on the radio at 7 that a patient was at the hospital in labor. Usually this news is received with jumping about and clapping of hands! Today however, we did not show that type of enthusiasm. You see....we had GRANDE plans for the day. So we promptly popped down to the labor room and did an hours worth of labor prep so when we turned her over to nurse Heather, she had less to do! Then we were off.

Our schedule consisted of going to the dump in La Ceiba, eating lunch and shopping for some souvenirs and groceries. The dump, as always, was an event. We go with Lisa Bradley, as many of you know. She has an amazing ministry there and is loved so much by the children who call the dump their home. So, the second we pull up, we are surrounded by beautiful and dirty Honduran children all vying for Mama Lisas attention. They ALL get some So, an hour and a half or so later, we have bandaged many wounds, given out antibiotic cream and diagnosed multiple skin conditions (including We also give children suffering from worms medicine to treat them. Prayed a lot.

Lunch was yummy at the air conditioned mall! And shopping was fun and hectic! Easy drive home and then spent dinner time with our awesome missionary hosts, Dave and Marinajo Fields. Yummy spaghetti dinner.

And don't worry. We are about to deliver baby number 9! Gonna be a LONG NIGHT

From Linda:

Busy day. Pastor Richard and I childsat Chad's 2 kids for 2 hours. I got up at 4:30 this morning! Then off to LaCeiba to the dump. Spent 3 hours there and it was bristling hot there today! Overcast in the beginning, but then the sun broke out and we all about died!

Then to the Mall for lunch in the food court. Then to a local souvenir shop. Another team joined us for the LaCeiba trip....from Ohio, 5 of them. They rode with Lisa. We took our van, Amber drive to there, Lori drove back. Brave women they are! The air conditioning is now working, though the smell coming from it smells like an old air conditioner. Almost stifling in the beginning. Last was a trip to the grocery store to buy our last food supplies. Running out of things though we only have 4 days left here. I was so tired I slept about 45 minutes on the way back....until we got to the gravel bumpy part of the road, got to stretch out in the seat by myself. It's the seat with no foot room so laying down was better anyway. Dr. Rich should be getting close to home by now. He worked so hard this week doing difficult surgeries with Dr. Jeff. Rich has a real passion to work here. Loves this place. This was his 3rd trip and he is talking about coming back for a week in Feb. again. He has a colleague who wants to come down, too, and suggested to Amber that she accompany him. He has never been here. Amber and Lori worked hard too....both with deliveries and recovery room....late into the night. The girls are back at the hospital now working with another delivery patient to deliver sometime tonight.

We barely got home in time to leave for the Fields for spaghetti dinner with a special homemade bread. Yummy.

Tomorrow to church in Margarita. Afternoon at the beach. Lisa and her 9 boys to dinner at our place...hotdogs. These are various homeless boys she has taken in. The Lord is giving her 40 acres of land near the hospital to build a boys home. Quite a wonderful story. Lisa is/was the hospital administrator. The go-between for all groups coming in to work. She is single, a long-ago divorced lady, passionate about her dump and boys ministry. She has 3 grown sons and 2 grandchildren in the states. The youngest son is here right now visiting and helping her. She's a small woman, very sweet and kind and very big-hearted. The kids at the dump love her and come running when they see her, "Lisa, Lisa, Lisa!" She loves them, hugs them, kisses them on the head, holds the little ones. She is not a nurse so tries to take a nurse or dr with her to help diagnose. Lots of skin problems, worms, etc. Passes out small bits of ointments, healing creams, etc. Often a more difficult case is before her and she will call someone for advice or refer them to this hospital's ER or to a local clinic. There is so much love and sacrifice here. Wonderful missionaries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Morgan . . . I am loving seeing the pics of you with the children! I am praying that God will continue to give you the courage and strength to do His work. May Our Lord bless you and the team!

With much love and prayers,
Jennifer Snelling