So, we returned from the Cayos yesterday at about 2pm but I will start from the beginning. We left Thursday about 10am from the beach close to the hospital. A boat came and picked us up and took us across to the Islands, about a 30 min. trip (8 miles). We arrived at the home of Lori and Hoss and loaded our personal stuff into their casita (small guest house). Lori and Hoss live full time on the island. They are retired and built a beautiful home overlooking the ocean. We were in paradise! Then we took our medical supplies and headed by boat for the clinic in the next cove over. The clinic was basically a concrete building at the edge of the beach. We opened it up and then spent an hour or so cleaning it up. Eventually, a few patients arrived and we spent some time doing pap smears and treating minor ailments. We closed up about 4 when we were sure we would have no other patients that day. These people are really poor and there health care is minimal. We arrived by boat back at the casita of Lori and Hoss and had a little time for R and R. The three of us actually were able to do some snorkeling using some equiptment our hosts had. the reefs are so beautiful and life is abundant under water! It was really fun and I feel blessed we had some time to just have fun! The next morning we were back at the clinic but all our patients were on the mainland because of the arriving tropical storm Matthew. So, we closed up the clinic at about 10 am and waited for our ride back to the mainland until about 12. When he arrived he had a load of supplies for one of the other islands. Its name is Chachuwatu and is the size of a soccerfield. The island is wall to wall huts and one "tourist type" restaurant. We were able to see the island on the way back because the supplies were for the restaurant. It was really tiny but beautiful. So.... as the storm started rolling in, we were on our way back to higher ground. It began to rain on the boatride and we were all soaked but if we would of left an hour later, it would have been much worse. So, the Lord continues to care for us. Now, as we land at the beach, Penny is picking us up and says "we have to go to the hospital, Baby Miguel is going to pass away.". This is such a change from when we left. We were aware that he had been re-intubated. But, thought he was doing ok. We arrived at the hospital wet from our boat trip and went strait in to see him. He was once again in his mothers arms with just mask oxygen and he was doing fine. Good pulse, good oxygen sats, rooting around acting like he wanted to eat! So after about a half hour of watching him fuss his mom lifted her shirt and put him to breast!!!! At that point we just held the oxygen tube to his face and let him nurse. It was beautiful. This is a baby who is dying??!! What a roller coaster! So, we put him on a nasal canula for his oxygen, turned it way down and watched him act like a normal 16 day old. Still, a miracle. Now it is Saturday. We just returned home from the hospital and I am happy to report he is still stable. He is just starting to get feverish and his respirations are increasing, but we got an order for some tylenol and that should help. He is still such a sick little baby, but he continues to amaze us. Thank you all for all your prayers! Keep praying. Gods not done yet! Richard continues to be Mr. Fixit and is repairing everything in site! God is blessing our time down here this year with miracles and adventures!!!
The Team
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