Tonight we had the privilege of celebrating a birthday with a family in the community. One small house + 60-70 people(5 men, a dozen women and mostly children) + Loud spanish childrens music + rice and bread and birthday cake + One Smurf pinata = A Honduran Birthday Celebration! After a slow, lazy day we were stimulated to the MAX at this party! The energy was contagious and we all had a great time!
Yesterday began the new labor room project. We emptied the new room of its original items and added some power outlets for all the equipment the room will require. Now we wait....The room will get paint on one wall on monday then a good floor wax on tuesday. Our last day will be spent moving everything in and getting it operational.
We had our first tarantula sighting last night just outside the Hoopers room! He was a big one! Kathy also had a huge roach hiding under her bible on her bed! Bugs everywhere!
Thanks for all your continued thoughts and prayers,
The Team