Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
I (Pastor Richard) was able to preach at the church at Margarita this year, through the translation afford by Norma. This was a great privileged and blessing to be able to share a word of challenge and encouragement based on Acts ch 16.
However it was an even greater honor to be able to Baptize Benton Alden (John and Penny's grandson) later that afternoon. Having spent some time counseling Benton he was baptized amongst a gathering of his family and church family. May the lord continue to bless and keep Benton as he grows in the love of the Lord in the wonderful place that is Honduras.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Feliz Cumpleanos
Thanks for all your continued thoughts and prayers,
The Team
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday and Tuesday
Richard, Pastor Richard and Jerry began the water fountain project. What a blessing that will be when completed.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The Lords Day
The kids of the church are so much fun and love us "gringos"! Our cameras are there favorite and if you leave church with your camera intact, you are lucky! Some of us have watched these children grow up. Many of them live in the children's home and have sad and tragic life stories. It is impossible not to want to take them home and shower them with love.
In the afternoon God blessed us with an amazing downpour and the gutter system here in staff housing blessed us with a waterfall! For dinner Nell prepared delicious hamburgers with a strawberry desert to die for! Yes, all you honduras missionary wannabe's....we eat like kings! Last night was the best chicken ever! We are so blessed to have our awesome chef here with us.
Hope all of you had a wonderful Lords day,
The Team
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Day 1,2 and Fabulous 3!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Final Planning Meeting
We are very pleased that past team members Mike and Kandee McClain will be joining the meeting to give much needed input and advise as we draw our planning to a close. With just a few weeks left until departure we have a number of things in place and a few still to nail down.
We are currently a little over a $1000 short of the minimum we need to fund the trip, but there is no doubt that God will supply as He always does.
We are also looking forward to the drinking fountains arriving and supplies filling up the empty suitcases in Pastor Richard's office.
Continue to pray for the team and all involved in these last days of preparation.
Thanks for all your support.
The Team!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
We are super excited about this year's trip as always and are getting ready. Already there are 9 suitcases in Pastor Richard's office waiting to be filled.
Below is an updated list of needs.
Thank you for your continued prayer and support..
1. Scissors, gauze and rolled gauze for wound care
2. Scrubs, especially small and extra small (expect white & blue)
3. Tape for nurse use
4. IV extensions (up to 4”)
5. A variety of over-the-counter meds especially children’s
(if you are not sure what to get, we have a some medical people who can get
meds at cost if you so choose to donate funds to the mission trip...Thanks!)
6. Prenatal vitamins.
7. Infant (especially preemie) and children’s clothing to age 8 years
8. Toothbrushes and toothpaste
9. As many dressing supplies as possible
10. Baby supplies (Airway and umbilical disposables.)
11. Disposable endometrial biopsy sample catheters and pap smear supplies
(old slide style, not the newer wet prep kind).
12. Hospital fitted sheets
13. Kerlix
14. Vital sign machine portable monitors.
15. A gram scale for nurses to weigh diapers.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Below is an article I wrote for our church newsletter about out upcoming trip
September 15 - September 30
It is hard to believe that it is almost time for the annual mission trip to Honduras. This will be the fifth church sponsored trip to Belfate, Honduras and the Cornerstone Foundation mission at Hospital Loma de Luz. This year’s team is the largest we have ever sent, Richard Evans, Richard & Amber Shields, Lori Bell are returning again and will be joined by new team members Mike & Kathy Hooper and Jerry & Nell Mathern.
As with each year your support is how the team get there and are able to partner with our good friends and missionaries John and Penny Alden. The team are currently seeking support from friends, family and work colleagues to secure the supplies and donations necessary to make the trip as much of a success as past years have been.
The team has already supplied sponsorship for one nurse to be trained, and have sent 2 labor delivery beds which were donated.
The team is always flexible to what God has planned while they are there, however plans are currently afoot to supply and install several drinking fountains around the hospital, as well as setting up a labor / delivery room.
As many of you know the team commit to taking all their personal items as carry on, freeing up their checked baggage to transport much needed supplies to the Hospital.
Of course this year there will a great deal of space to fill 16 suitcases!
If you would like to donate then here are some of the supplies that are needed, scissors and gauze for wound care, scrubs, a whole variety of over-the-counter children's meds, prenatal vitamins, wet wipes, infant (including preemie) and children's clothing up to size 5, boxes of toothpaste and tooth brushes (dental care is a great need). Baby supplies (Airway and umbilical disposables.), disposable endometrial biopsy sample catheters and pap smear supplies. (old slide style, not the newer wet prep kind).
Items may be dropped off to Pastor Richard at the church administrative offices or can be given to any of the team members: If you are not sure what to get, we have some medical people who can get meds at cost if you would rather donate funds to the mission trip.
As always, you prayer support is needed and appreciated.
With Every Blessing-2011 Honduras Mission Team.
As always you can catch up with latest news before, during and after the trip at the blog
or you can join the facebook group just search facebook for JPC Honduras Mission Trip.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
This year's trip will take place from September 15 - September 30 2011.
The Team is made up of returning team members Richard Evans, Lori Bell, Richard & Amber Shields, and first timers, Jerry & Nell Mathern and Mike & Kathy Hooper.
The team meets tonight to pray, plan and prepare.
Please watch this space for updates..